Monday 19 April 2010

A Strange Experience indeed

Rome railway station yesterday was like an mass evacuation scene - lines, rows and huddles of miserable looking worn outs desperately trying to get home by taking local trains to the next city further towards the Uk, then the next and so on...because all the TGV's were completely booked. Our journey by express train to Pisa then on by local to Bagni d Lucca was a breeze and pleasant. We arrived and out of the 18 others booked only 2 had managed to get here ( like us they were already in Italy)along with one of the two walk leaders. But we persuaded her to still run the holiday and today had a fabulous walk over the hill to another village for tea then back for an ice cream...picnicing up on top of the hill on local bread and cheese. It was idyllic and because of the travel crisis the hotel and village is almost deserted - lucky for us!Food in hotel 5 course dinner and delicious!!! Managed to edit new Chapter but not write anything more today- tommorow also will be difficult as will be out all day walking againBACK TO uk ON SUNDAY - GOD WILLING- But we dont really know.


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