Tuesday 25 January 2011

No water or emails - I feel abandoned!

Just when we want to use the loo and take a shower(think 34degress and humid all night) the water supply has been cut . It could be something to do with the mini niagra flowing down the lift shaft yesterday). Also just spent an expensive 30minutes on my mobile to claranet in London trying to sort out why I can now not send emails. Yesterday I could send but not recieve! Gave up after not getting anywhere! So - in despartion have phoned my pc support in London to see if they can help via remotely accessing my laptop. Going out to the botanical gardens now...its stiffling in the flat and I cant really do mch work without emails. Having a day off from writing - tutorial tomorow(oh, errr)...out to tango class with Javier at Salon Canning this evenning and then Tango queer MILONGA AROUND 11pm. Hope I can shower before I go out!

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