Saturday 9 October 2010

getting ready to go to a tango milonga workshop

and then catching the train up to Aldeburgh. Wanted to do some writing this morning but its already after 10am and I need to shower, pack and pay some bills so they'll be no time I fear.

Deferred to Emma (my mentor) about submitting to Circalit novel competition - you have to put in first thirty pages - initially thought I might enter but then my gut feeling was confirmed by Emma that this would create a distraction AND I am not ready to go back to the beginning of my novel at this point - to do another revision - I need to keep the momentum up and continue from where I left off(ie somewhere in the middle). Anyhow I have already jumped through that hoop - of getting access to agents(this is the prize Circalit is ofering). I know that four agents - all of whom I respect and and expressed an interest in my novel - have said to send it to them to read when I am ready. I have to hold on to this, though I do admit to writing being a labor its a labor of love. There is nothing(except maybe for those special moments when I'm dancing tango and feel everythings going right and my partner and I are just at one with the music) like this feeling I get when I am really immersed in a new scene - inside the characters heads - seeing the world as they see it, feeling it as they feel it.



  1. Interesting about agents.

    What we ought to be thinking as authors who are writing something that we believe in that if an agent isn't interested in our work then it's their loss. If you're deterred by a lack of interest and are willing to chase the market then maybe you don't believe in your work enough. Of course, this goes against all the frailties and insecurities of human nature.

    However, I've followed some tweets from agents at Frankfurt Book Fair this last week and so much of their work is about brokering deals in markets across the world. It's surprising they get any time at all to look for new talent.

  2. I bet folowing those tweets was interesting Mike!
