Monday 27 September 2010

The things Ive jotted down...

when we arived home to a house shut up for 10 days I noticed - because I nearly tread on it - Peacock butterfly on the red staircarpet...clearly on its last legs and shut in since we left(we had an open house party just before going off Berlin)...I took it into the bathroom and put it on a shelf - goodness knows why...where it revived just enough to unfurl its wings then fall to the floor and expire

thats been noted down to use somewhere in something I write


I noticed I was particulary observing the pavement when I went out today for a walk- how the rain had left irregular patches of damp, the hotch potch of tarmac repairs, the cracking caused by roots of unseen plants, the edging up against walls lined with an asssortment of moss and weeds - cigarette ends and dog dirt...and the shoes of other pedestrians

AM definately using some of this in the novel....


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