Saturday 25 September 2010

Last Day here in Berlin

Did more writing on the dinner party scene yesterday...plenty of dialogue and quite tricky with there being 4 characters involved...lets see what Emma thinks. Have just emailed this entire section for typing - it will need editing before I send it off pre my next tutorial. Its been a fruitful week. Have to take care that the story remains not too focussed on the gay thing...this is tricky at the moment because I am writing about R and A's relationship...but the story is about more than this...I think I am going to end up with lots more material by the time I am done..must keep writing and see what comes. Think I now need to revise my chapter plan and merge everything soon to see how its looking and check the word count.

Went to the same milonga last night I went to last Fri...but although I had a few dances and chatted and danced with a girl I met at the wED MILONGA i FELT AWKWARD AND UNEASY. tHE FLOoR WAS CROWDed AND IT wAS DIFFICULT TO MANOUVRE AND i WAS JUST FEELing my usual inadequate self.

Its Berlin marathon here this weekend but we will most likely miss most of it as we are leaving early in the morning to the airport for London.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinated by the sound of this dinner party scene.
