Friday, 22 October 2010


Have not had time for any new writing since Sunday post. Work's been very busy and have had tango . But did go to Forest Writers and work shopped some of the new material I havent yet(but will) tutorialed with my mentor AND it went down v well. Got some useful feedback on a couple of things I wasnt sure about - so - proves its always extrmely important to have a forum to workshop new stuff evry so often to make sure one is still on the right track and not losing the plot(sic) also gives a well needed and deserved boost when you feel you might be flagging. I want to finsih this whole section with Almir and Roland from when they first meet to the start of the deepening of their relationship ...before I my next tutorial with Emma my writing mentor 5TH November - if I can.



  1. Tango on Strictly tonight...

  2. yeah...but I'm not into Strictly...the tango I do is Salon...a social form of the dance for dancing at milongas. Often tese are crowded and it would be impossible to dance the OTT choreographed form of tango(called origero)they do on the Tele. Tango Agrentino(Salon)is a completely spontaneous dance - when you get it right its pure magic
