Sunday, 1 May 2011

Angst in Aldeburgh

Having a lovely week of walks, cinema and local fish eating! BUT have got a bit stuck with my writing(well, yesterday). Since returning from The Writers Retreat Ive written about 1000 words of the second part of a chapter with R and A in the middle of the novel, which took AGES but I think is alright. But trying to write the ending is proving a real angst making excersize. I sat down yesterday for 3 hours and kept starting and crossing out and restarting , ending up with about one side of hand writtten A4. The thing is I have important back story to reveal at the end and I am not sure the best way to do this. So, after opera beamed from the NYC Met at Aldeburgh cinema last night I slept on it ...and this morning am going for a long walk over in Minsmere with our neighbours then hopefuly I may have a 'light bulb' moment.
Bren Gosling


  1. I'm currently trying to write a section near the end and I'm having big trouble in that I seem to be putting words in my characters' mouths that explain their earlier motives -- a bit like a Poirot story denouement.

    However, it might be useful to write just for my own purposes, even if it's not used. It's quite tricky as it's trying to explore a sort of inversely developed relationship (where friends become much closer than they'd anticipated -- and what happens next).

  2. Hi Mike
    I think thats such a good idea - no short cuts in writing a novel are there!I went on my long(and very lovely walk) and had an idea of how my problem might be solved and emailed my mentor - and she's given it the thumbs up so thats me sorted and back on track thank godness. I am quite a discplined person and like to stick to a writing routine to get chunks done within timeframes...but...there've been a few times when this approach has just had to be abandoned because something doesnt feel right and I cant just carry on regardless. It happened alot in the beginning but hasnt happened for a while so was probably overdue.
    Good writing Mike!
    Bren Gosling
